I Shouldn’t Be Scared

Since I started a blog, I decided to try to get more views by making an Instagram account. It worked… I got more views.

But I’ve also got some unwanted attention.

Not that you can see it, but this unknown person also tried to video chat me. They had no posts on their account, no nothing… Which makes you wonder what they really wanted. (Not going to give you their username).

My cousin, who was 9 at the time, had someone send her a VIDEO of their hot dog being blown, if you know what I mean. I am Seventeen and I have someone else trying to send me pictures of themselves, and not taking no for an answer. I had to block them.

Why is it that I have to be so scared to go online? Why do we have to be scared to let our kids online? I have to double check every single picture that I post, make sure that I’m not showing anything, not suggesting anything, that nothing even hints to something that I don’t want.

And, really, I shouldn’t–we shouldn’t– be scared. We shouldn’t have to worry about who is going to see our posts or what they will think. Or even have to worry about if they’re doing *things* because of your pictures. We should have to be scared.

Society as a whole kind of just ignores this… We kind of let it slid on by, hoping and praying to God that our kid isn’t next.

And when it’s our kid? We cry and rant on Facebook for a few days, “making a difference”. There’s nothing wrong with that, nothing at all. Really, there’s nothing. Buuuut… Our being upset and ranting lasts less than 2 months.

The ranting and the yelling and the demanding for not only respect for other humans online, but for consequences for those who decide to be inappropriate… Especially when it comes to minors.

Nobody should be scared to post, to check their messages, to send messages. It shouldn’t be a problem. But it is. And something needs to be done about it. We need to make a difference. #freetheposts

What do you think? How can we make a difference? How will you make a difference?

This is one girl’s madness.

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Mariah's Madness

Life is madness. It's a madness that begs to be shown and dealt with... But it's also something that causes people to struggle. My goal here is to help you fight through that struggle.

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